
Elementary Principles of Chemical Process 3/e

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  • Elementary Principles of Chemical Process 3/e

    暢銷好書[Elementary Principles of Chemical Process 3/e]非常直得你購買

    內容簡介 GAIN A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES Material that's presented in a very clear and accessible way...frequent use of studies based on commercial processes...a CD-ROM with instructional tutorials, a powerful equation solver, and a visual encyclopedia of chemical process equipment...These are just a few of the features of this text that help provide a realistic, informative introduction to chemical processes. Key Features of the Third Edition Nearly every section in the third edition has been revised to provide increased clarity. Hundreds of new and revised problems and new case studies cover a broader spectrum of chemical engineering applications. Some problems require spreadsheeting, and others call for using equation-solving software. The INTERACTIVE CHEMICAL PROCESS PRINCIPLES (ICPP) CD-ROM provides an active learning environment. With this software, students respond to questions and receive immediate feedback, explore variations in process parameters and se e the effects of their changes on process operations, and more.

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